Thursday, September 4, 2014

Luis F Silva

Rosemary's baby

Lighting impacts the creation of meaning of a film, and gives the viewer the perception and intensity of direction the film is going. In the movie Rosemary’s Baby I will identify the type of lighting used, what are benefits of style of lighting. And how did the technique contribute to the theme.

The movie Rosemary’s Baby 
release date June 12 1968
 Directed by Roman Polanski and based on the Novel by Ira Levin.

 The cast is Mia Farrow, John Casssavetes, Ruth Gordon, Sidney Blackmer, and Maurice Evans. 

The Genre of this film is Horror with a sub genre of Thriller, Suspense, Drama, and Supernatural. This movie is in chronological order from beginning to the end.

The movie is about a Newlywed Couple Rosemary and husband Guy Woodhouse, who move into a new apartment with a history. The husband becomes friends with the neighbors, who Rosemary at first avoids. One night the neighbor presents Rosemary with a dessert that she eats out of politeness. Rosemary then becomes dizzy and remembers that she was having intercourse with a demon in front of a cult. The husband try’s to assure her that it was he and not a demon. She then becomes pregnant, and becomes sick. The friend of the couple then tries to help her out but gets into a comma and dies. Rosemary delivers a son whom they said died at delivery, but time goes by and she hears a baby cry from the neighbor’s apartment. Rosemary armed with a knife goes into the Castevets apartment and discovers her son in a black crib.

In this Movie a low key lighting was used to give a dark dramatic scene of horror   

Under lighting was used in the convenient scene to give it that unnatural situation. Light Placement creates a scene that looks shadowy within the environment it is shot in. The benefits that this style of lighting gives us, is the mood the movie is trying to simulate. with a low key light the shadows and dark scenes capture the element of suspense. This technique contributed to the movie, bringing the horror to a movie in its time. The dark shadows with the one light source gave it that intense look.


Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From watching to seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

ROSEMARY'S BABY 2014 - Trailer - LATIN HORROR - YouTube

Rosemary's Baby (1968) - IMDb

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