Friday, September 19, 2014

Luis Silva English 225: Introduction to Film

Danny Lloyed
The Shining Acting and Acting Styles

Stanley Kubrick

Writers: Stephen King

(novel), Stanley Kubrick(Screen Writer)


Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyed

"A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from the past and of the future"(IMDb).

Jack Nicholson
Shelley Duvall
This week Blog I will classify the actors from the film The shining. I have identified three actors form this film they are Jack Nicholson (JackTorrance), Shelly Duvall (Wendy Torrance), 
and Danny Lloyed(Danny Torrance).
Shelly Duvall would fall into the classification of character actors "Character Actors are able to fit invisibly into a wide variety of disparate characters, adapting to the needs of each script and director they work with"(pg3.4)(2011). Duvall gave an acting of an innocent wife seemed like she had gone through a lot in her life and was to vulnerable. 

Danny Lloyed the child actor to me would be considered a "Bit Parts actor a short character appearance with few or no lines, rarely more then a days work for the actor if that, yet sometimes these roles can become memorable with the right actor"(pg3.4)(2011). Lloyed was chosen from a search of thousands of children, he was six years old with no acting experience. For a kid with no acting experience he sure did a great job. He scared me as a kid with his ride along the hotel, meeting up with the twin girls.

 Jack Nicholson acting would be considered to be a "Personality Actors an actor whose own personality tends define all the characters he portrays, so that the actor's name alone lets audiences know what their screen character will be like"(Goodykoontz,2011). Jack Nicholson would also be considered a Star, he is so famous people are curios about his personal life as well. A "Star is a distinctive screen persona who is well known and popular with the movie going public"(pg3.4)(2011).

Jack Nicholson has been acting since 1958, he has been in many films such as The Little Shop of Horrors,Easy Rider, Chinatown, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Shining, Batman, and many more. All these films with many types of genres, from horror, drama, and adventure. Jack Nicholson also acted in other roles Impersonating  Jimmy Hoffa, In a biographical film he acted as a Union Leader. I think he is a wild card actor a "wild-card actor is described as “an actor who is difficult to classify as one certain type, often because he or she can play a wide variety of characters equally well without becoming typecast”(pg3.4)(2011). Jack Nicholson is a leading man of Hollywood, very flexible and could act in many diiferent rolls. 

Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C. P. (2011). Film: From watching to seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

The Shining (1980) - IMDb

The Shining Official Trailer 1980 - YouTube

images: mad Jack in The Shining,306 × 350 - 26k - jpg

aveleyman.comThe Shining320 × 240 - 53k - gif

ephemeralbk.blogspot.combe Shelley Duvall... well...400 × 400 - 33k - jpg

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